Register trademark with confidence
Rates based on filing for an international class.1
Money-Back Guarantee
Trademark Registration
(excluding gov. fees)
Available for trademarks already in use2
If your mark is not registered, you get your money back.3
Free pre-screen4 before making a payment
What to expect
Day 1 | Fill out the request form. |
Day 2-4 | Receive a payment link via email. Make payment online. |
DAY 5-7 | Pay government fees and receive your US Serial No. |
WEEK 2-40 | USPTO examination |
(Office Action, Publication, Opposition, Appeal) | |
WEEK 52 | Certificate of Registration |
Estimated Total: $1,050 (including gov. fees)
$800 (100% refund if not registered)
+ $250 (USPTO application fee, non-refundable)
*No partial refund is available for this service.
No Commitment
Trademark Registration
(excluding gov. fees)
3 potential names reviewed in 2-Week Period5
Partial refund when you want it.
20-min phone consultation included
What to expect
Timeline | Event | Refund Amount6 |
Week 1 | Schedule a meeting | $650 |
Week 2 | Phone consultation | |
Week 3 | 3 potential names reviewed | $400 |
Week 4 | Application filed | |
⋮ | Approved | $200 |
Week 52 | Registration |
Estimated Total: $1,100
$750 (partial refund available)
+ $250 (USPTO application fee, non-refundable)
+ $100 (USPTO SOU fees due after approved, non-refundable)
Simply File Trademark Application
(excluding gov. fees)
TEAS Plus (Save $100 in gov. fees)
Attorney verifies mark image and specimen.
Free initial consultation during exam.
What to expect
Day 1 | Fill out the request form. |
Day 2-4 | Receive a payment link via email. Make payment online. |
DAY 5-7 | Receive your US Serial No. |
WEEK 2-40 | USPTO examination |
Free update with friendly advice on Office Action, Publication, Opposition, Appeal | |
WEEK 52 | Certificate of Registration |
Estimated Total: $450
$200 (attorney review of your application only)
+ $250 (USPTO application fee, non-refundable)
Not sure where to start?
We offer a free consultation with a U.S. licensed attorney.
- International class refers to NICE Classification, which is an international classification of goods and services adopted and used by the USPTO. There are 45 classes in total. Most brands need to be registered in only one class, but fashion brands, for example, often carry “leather goods” (Class 18) in addition to “clothing” (Class 25). Nonetheless, for startups, we often recommend choosing a single class that covers your flagship products for trademark registration purpose. ↩︎
- You use a mark when a product bearing a trademark is sold, shipped, and delivered to a different state than yours. In many cases, however, the first use occurs when you cause goods bearing the trademark imported from an overseas manufacturer. In these cases, you can use the date when the goods cleared customs. If you’re selling service, you only need to make the service available to the public. If you’re in doubt, you can submit your request for pre-screen and describe in detail how you’re selling your product/service. ↩︎
- You’ll get a full refund of $700 if the USPTO’s trademark examiner issues a final action refusing registration of your trademark. Even before that, if your attorney concludes that your trademark can’t be registered, you can get the refund. Please note, government fees are not refundable. ↩︎
- A trademark specialist will examine your service request before you receive a payment link for service purchase. This pre-screening step is designed to save everyone’s time and avoid unnecessary charges as we receive a substantial number of erroneous, inadequate, and insufficient service request. ↩︎
- You must supply three brand name or logo candidates within 2 weeks from the day of your phone meeting is scheduled. You’ll get an automatic partial refund of $400, if your attorney concludes that none of your first three candidates can be registered. ↩︎
- We will refund your balance after deducting cost incurred from the total amount you paid. The costs include: (1) a $100 booking fee to reserve a phone consultation time; (2) a $250 fee for the phone consultation and review of the potential trademark(s) ($100 for the first trademark, $80 for the second, and $70 for the third); (3) during a USPTO trademark examination, $250 hourly charge applies to monitoring, updates, document submissions, interviews with the examiner, and so on, up to a maximum of $200; and (4) a $200 fee for post-approval proof of use submissions. ↩︎