
We bring intellectual property (“IP”) close to small and mid-size businesses with limited resources.

  • Youngsik Jeon, JD

    Youngsik Jeon, JD

    Young Jeon earned his J.D. in 2012 from Chicago-Kent College of Law with a certificate of concentration program in Intellectual Property Law. After admitted to the Illinois bar in 2012, he primarily practiced trademark law,…

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Helpful tips

  • Trademark Registration: do I need to hire an attorney?

    Getting a trademark, you can either “do it yourself” or hire a professionals. DIY option describes not only filing directly via TEAS at but also using commercial services under $100. Let’s compare…

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  • Standard Character mark v. Special Form mark

    There are mainly two types of trademark, a standard one and a stylized one. A standard one (called a standard character mark) establishes your trademark rights to the written words of the mark whereas…

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  • Trademark Office Action: how to respond

    Office Action calls for a legal writing. When there is problem with your trademark application, the Office will issue an OA.  There could be multiple instances of OA per application…

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Proudly serving pioneers in the industries.
The Forks

93.8% of trademark applications in 2020 passed USPTO examination without an office action.

2021 Best Start-Up & SME IP Law Firm – Southeast USA – AI Legal Awards

13 years in IP prosecution and business transaction.