We bring intellectual property (“IP”) close to small and mid-size businesses with limited resources.
Youngsik Jeon, JD
Young Jeon earned his J.D. in 2012 from Chicago-Kent College of Law with a certificate of concentration program in Intellectual Property Law. After admitted to the Illinois bar in 2012, he primarily practiced trademark law,…
Helpful tips
Tax forms are complex and lengthy, but they can’t go south.
Federal trademark registration has become a standard practice for many reasons including (1) it’s inexpensive (as low as $225 to apply online); (2) due to the internet, no one does…
Proudly serving pioneers in the industries.
93.8% of trademark applications in 2020 passed USPTO examination without an office action.
2021 Best Start-Up & SME IP Law Firm – Southeast USA – AI Legal Awards
13 years in IP prosecution and business transaction.