
We bring intellectual property (“IP”) close to small and mid-size businesses with limited resources.

  • Youngsik Jeon, JD

    Youngsik Jeon, JD

    Young Jeon earned his J.D. in 2012 from Chicago-Kent College of Law with a certificate of concentration program in Intellectual Property Law. After admitted to the Illinois bar in 2012, he primarily practiced trademark law,…

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Helpful tips

  • Did you receive an invoice (or a bill) for your trademark?

    If you are wondering if the invoice or bill you received by mail is legit, please read on. Scammers consistently target US trademark applicants and registrants. Many of those have…

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  • TM attorney’s brand naming ideas

    Is this a good trademark? Well, I get that question a lot as an IP attorney. I have been working on trademark cases for about ten years now. In fact,…

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  • Patent Protection and Limitations

    Patent protects inventor’s exclusive right to an invention, but at the same time it aims to promote further advancement of the same technology. These are conflicting goals for which patent…

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Proudly serving pioneers in the industries.
The Forks

93.8% of trademark applications in 2020 passed USPTO examination without an office action.

2021 Best Start-Up & SME IP Law Firm – Southeast USA – AI Legal Awards

13 years in IP prosecution and business transaction.