Money Back Guarantee

Register trademark with confidence

Money-Back Guarantee
Trademark Registration

(excluding gov. fees)

Available for trademarks already in use1

If your mark is not registered, you get your money back.2

Free pre-screen3 before making a payment

What to expect
Day 1Fill out the request form.
Day 2-4Receive a payment link via email. Make payment online.
DAY 5-7Pay government fees and receive your US Serial No.
WEEK 2-40USPTO examination
(Office Action, Publication, Opposition, Appeal)
WEEK 52Certificate of Registration
Illustration purpose only. Actual timeline varies.
Estimated Total: $1,050 (including gov. fees)

$800 (100% refund if not registered)
+ $250 (USPTO application fee, non-refundable)

*Rates based on filing for an international class.4

Not sure where to start?

We offer a free consultation with a U.S. licensed attorney.