U.S. Patent & Trademark
Your name Your email
Attorney Docket Number Take a picture of the entirety of your product (currently being sold) displaying a registered trademark.
Fill it out only if it applies to your situation.
Was there any time or place where your product bearing the trademark was NOT available in the U.S. Please describe details (dates, reasons, etc) about the interruption here. Was there anyone who brought claims against your trademark in the past? These includes phone calls, letters, summons, etc. Please describe any details immediately available to you, or you may simply attach relevant documents or photos here.
Please read carefully before checking the boxes.
All statement or non-statement in the “Use of Trademark” section above has been verified and confirmed by business records or a person who has personal knowledge of the matter. If necessary, verbal or written evidence about the statement or non-statement in the “Use of Trademark” can be provided.