U.S. Patent & Trademark
Money Back Guarantee
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No Commitment
Do It Yourself
Have It FiledMoney Back GuaranteeCompare options yourself
Have It Filed
Money Back GuaranteeCompare options yourself
Free Consultation
Compare options yourself
? You can go to the ww.USPTO.gov and file an electronic application yourself. The required government fees are an application fee of $350 (or $500) and, if applicable, extra $100 when submitting evidence of use.
You must learn the basics before you try.
? Spend at least 4-5 hours to learn basics of trademark, 10-20 minutes of research on USPTO’s Trademark Search, and 20-30 minutes to fill out an online application.
How to DIY
? Excluding the government fees of $350-500.
Limited-scope review
You need to do some research on your own.
? You will perform research on USPTO’s Trademark Search to find out competitors’ trademark registrations on your own.
Some legwork
Let’s Have It Filed
If not registered, you get your money back.
? Less than half of all trademark applications are approved upon first action. Our success rate is much higher, high enough to back it with a money-back guarantee.
Based on your business model and goals, attorney will guide you to the best branding outcome.
No hassle
Get your Money-Back Guarantee
Up to $750
? If your plan changes, you can get refund of any unused portion of fees. It does not include government fees that run from $350 to $500.
Full-scope Review
At all times, you’ll have a clear understanding of the prospect.
Work with your attorney along your branding journey.
? After a 20-min phone consultation session, your attorney will work on your side to come up with a best branding plan in 2 weeks.
Let’s roll with No-Commitment
Free 20-min consultation over the phone with an attorney.
Make an appointment
Money-Back Guarantee
Attorney prepares and signs all documents
Guarantees to meet USPTO requirements
Unlimited phone & email consultation
Clearance Search Plus ?중복 상표 검토에 더해 등록 가능성, IP 가치평가, 비용타당성 검토 등이 포함되어 있습니다.
Money-back guarantees to be registered
Attorney’s fees:
Government fees:
$350 (or $500 if ITU ?아직 사용(판매) 중이 아닌 상표를 Intent to Use(사용계획)만으로 출원하는 방식입니다. 심사 통과 후 최종 등록은 상표를 실제로 사용 후 증명하는 절차를 거치며, 이때 추가 관납료가 발생합니다. 변호사 비용은 추가되지 않습니다.)
You must be selling goods or services in the U.S. at the time of filing.
Pay only $100 to start.
For an established U.S. business only.
Let’s roll with No Commitment